2023Voter Guide

Minnesota Parents Alliance identifies and endorses school board candidates across the state who are aligned with our mission of prioritizing academic achievement, equality and parental rights in their school district. The candidates listed below are ready to stand up for students and parents and deserve your support.

Our Voter Guide is not created in coordination with any candidate or campaign. Candidates featured in is resource are endorsed based on MPA’s research of their platform and campaign, as well as input we receive from engaged, informed parents in each community. We identify the strongest candidates in each district who can be trusted to prioritize achievement, equal treatment for all students, parental involvement, safety, transparency and accountability.

All candidates featured in the Voter Guide are given the option to have the “Pro-Human Pledge” designation in their profile to indicate that they are aligned with and supportive of the FAIR Pro-Human Pledge. This is not an endorsement by FAIR, but rather a way for candidates to further emphasize their stance on fair and equal treatment of ALL students.

If you are interested in becoming a candidate for school board or you are a candidate who is interested in being featured in our Voter Guide, contact us today!

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School District


Pro-Human Badge
Newly Elected

Linda Hoekman

Anoka Hennepin School District 11
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Linda Hoekman

Hello, I am Linda Hoekman, a mom, teacher, and concerned Minnesotan. While working in Anoka-Hennepin schools, I witnessed the dilution of curriculum and decline in discipline that has resulted in plummeting test scores. Our schools have a history of greatness and I know we can restore that tradition. I am committed to restoring excellence, freedom, and fairness to our schools by working with parents to ensure our children are protected from danger and politicized instruction. I plan to bring my experience and passion for education to the board because every student deserves a world class education. Thank you for considering me for the school board.
Parent Endorsed Badge
Newly Elected

Zach Arco

Anoka Hennepin School District 11
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Zach Arco

I am running for the Anoka-Hennepin School Board because I want to restore the public education system to what it was when I was a student. I will work to restore the academic performance of students, make sure Blaine has adequate facilities to meet the growing demand of the city, and respect the rights of parents to raise their children according to their own values and beliefs by removing culturally divisive and politically divisive content from the classroom and curriculum. It’s time to return to the mission statement of Minnesota statute 120a.03, “The mission of public education in Minnesota, a system for lifelong learning, is to ensure individual academic achievement, an informed citizenry, and a highly productive work force."
Parent Endorsed Badge

Scott Simmons

Anoka Hennepin School District 11
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Scott Simmons

I am running for the Anoka-Hennepin School Board because it’s time to put students first by focusing on three essential priorities. First, we must raise academic performance. The District’s primary mission must be to educate our kids to be successful by restoring high standards and closing achievement gaps. Second, we must ensure classroom safety. Teachers need a safe environment in which to teach. Classroom disruption hurts learning. Accountability must be restored to student conduct. Third, we must uphold parental rights. Curriculum transparency and parental engagement empowers parents in their students’ education. The partnership between parents and teachers must be improved to restore strong schools.